Multiplexed 7 segment display multisim
Multiplexed 7 segment display multisim

multiplexed 7 segment display multisim

After cycling through a digit/row, the process repeats with the next digit/row. After some time, the segment/LED is turned off and the next segment/individual LED is turned on, etc. Instead of turning on a whole digit or row, a single segment or individual LED is turned on/off. Simple! However, Charlieplexing is a bit more complicated in that it goes deeper than multiplexing. After some time, the whole digit or row is turned off and the next digit/row is turned on, etc. In multiplexing, an entire digit or row of LEDs are shown at one time. However, at the cost of time and/or brightness. Both are techniques used to not only reduce the number of microcontroller pins needed, but also to reduce the power requirements substantially.

multiplexed 7 segment display multisim

Charlieplexing just takes multiplexing to a higher level. First off, what is multiplexing? What about Charlieplexing? Any differences? Actually, they are they same. But after trial and error and blood, sweat, and tears, I can say that I have a better understanding of multiplexing and how best to implement it on an Arduino. This project is well suited for displaying numerical information or if you want to control a bunch of LEDs. For beginners, like me, I had no clue on how to tackle this project. In this instructable, I will be teaching the basics of multiplexing 7 segment displays using an Arduino and a couple of shift registers.

Multiplexed 7 segment display multisim